The Best in Kenya is a one-stop site for everything about Kenya. We create reviews for the best of everything in Kenya. If you want to feature in our post or have a topic you would like us to cover, we will be eager to do so.
Our Core Values
Factual Information
Our reviews are well-researched with our readers in mind. Before we publish any piece of content, we verify the authenticity. You have heard enough rumours and gossip and we don’t want to add more. It is time to read something worthwhile.
Unbiased Reviews
We don’t solicit any favours from any company or personalities for them to feature on our listing. Unless a post is marked featured, all the other listings are based on merit. If you meet the threshold, we won’t mind including you in our posts.
Quality Content
We do our best to ensure you find the information you need on our site. Our reviews include tables of contents and tables to make your navigation easy. Most of our posts feature the top 10. The Best in Kenya content managers do their best to keep the content up to date.
Reader-Oriented Content
Every stroke of the keypads is done with you in mind. That is why we always ask what you would like to read even before we think about our rankings. Our readers are our priority. If you find any content that does not meet this objective, you can always report it to us.
The Best in Kenya Vision
To cover comprehensively and without bias everything about companies, persons, products and services in Kenya.
The Best in Kenya Mission
To be your leading and go-to site when you want to know anything about Kenya. We want to give the world all the facts, the good and the not-so-good about our country.