Newspaper Review 12th, February 2024


1. Daily Nation 

KES. 435 Billion Under Siege in The Education Sector

The Education Ministry and teacher unions have formed an alliance against the Teachers Service Commission because of a KES.435 Billion fund allocation. Conflict has erupted between the opposing sides, led by Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu and TSC Chief Nancy Macharia, sparking fierce competition for the substantial education budget.

2. Taifa Leo 

Taifa Leo 12022024

Kalonzo Spreads His Wings

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka is solidifying his political influence, with Eugene Wamalwa, Peter Munya, and Raila Odinga now in his corner. Following Raila’s announcement of support for Kalonzo’s presidential aspirations in 2027, Kalonzo is gaining momentum, with Munya becoming the latest addition to his supporters. This strategic move strengthens Kalonzo’s position and enhances his prospects for the upcoming presidential race.

3. The Standard 

The Standard 12022024

Tough Balancing Act For Parliament Amidst Electoral Commission Reconstitution and Opposition Demands

Parliament reconvenes from its recess tomorrow to handle critical matters regarding the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). The courts emphasised that the IEBC reconstitution should not delay because of political negotiations. Meanwhile, the House prepares to deliberate on the National Dialogue report, while Azimio leader Raila Odinga insists that the opposition must have a say in the appointment of commissioners, threatening to resume demonstrations otherwise.

4. People Daily 

People Daily 12022024

Churches Discontent with Ruto’s Promises

Kenya Kwanza-affiliated clergy initially entered a promising MoU with the President, anticipating significant rewards post-victory. However, they allege that the President has since become inaccessible. The agreement included pledges for appointments to various governmental bodies, tax benefits, the establishment of a clergy Sacco, and the creation of religious organisation registries and a Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs cabinet position, among other benefits.

5. The Star 

The Star 12022024

A Fresh Start For The Opposition’s 2027 Bid

Raila has clarified the direction for the upcoming presidential elections, signalling a potential shift in the opposition’s leadership with the emergence of fresh faces poised to lead the party forward.

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