Newspaper Review 18th, March 2024


1. Daily Nation

The Murders That Split The Rainbow Coalition

After ousting the infamous Kanu regime, Kibaki’s administration faced its first murderous scandal after two prominent human rights activists lost their lives in gruesome and mysterious killings that permanently divided opinions and allegiances between Kibaki and Raila and their respective camps. However, the crime remains unsolved 15 years after the incident.

2. The Standard 

The Standard 18032024

KRA’s Focus Turns on Hustlers

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) shifts its focus to small, medium, and micro businesses, including boda boda riders, vendors, and matatu operators, among others. Failure to comply with tax regulations will lead to a loss of customers who rely on eTIMs receipts for tax filing purposes. SMEs make up 98% of businesses in the country and cover up to 30% of the job market. The added tax burden could cripple many enterprises, increasing unemployment in the country.

3. Taifa Leo 

Taifa Leo 18032024

ODM Leader Solidifying AU Strategies After Overcoming His Latest Hurdle

Raila is bolstering his campaigns after the African Union withdrew the motion to have the AUC Chairperson seat be a women’s docket. The opposition leader is leaving nothing to chance with his well-thought-out strategy. His primary goal is to garner widespread support across all African nations, starting with a concentrated effort in East African countries to secure their backing before expanding his reach to the rest of the continent.

4. People Daily 

People Daily 18032024

CS Nakhumicha’s Reluctance to Solving The Doctor’s Strike

Addressing the imminent crisis of the doctor’s strike, CS Nakhumicha has emphasised that issues raised by healthcare workers, including hiring medical interns, are beyond her purview.

5. The Star 

The Star 18032024

Could Ndindi Nyoro Be The Next Kikuyu Kingpin?

Following an endorsement by Murang’a leaders, speculation is mounting regarding Vice President Rigathi Gachagua’s potential discontentment with the formidable competition. The endorsement represents a direct challenge to Gachagua’s political interests.

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