10 Benefits of Green Card


Did you know that up to 100 million people in the world wish to live in the United States? In, 2017 alone, more than 20 million people participated in the Green card Lottery according to the United States Immigration Department. Every year, approximately 50,000 people secure a green card from the Diversity Visa Program. The high demand is as a result of the numerous green card benefits.

Being a green card holder, you obtain an authority to work and live in the United States. Once you are a green card holder, you become a lawful permanent resident of the United States. There are several categories that you must fall under for you to be eligible to apply and obtain a green card.

For example, the United States immigration legislation has put a category of people who can apply for an American express green card. Example is if you were born in the US from a parent who was a diplomatic officer working in the US. Also, if you have a family member with a green card, you can also be eligible it.

10 Benefits of American Express Green Card

1. Social Security

The moment you become a lawful permanent resident, there are a couple of benefits you are entitled to. Social benefits include Medicaid and Medicare.

Medicare covers the medical costs of the senior citizens since most earn less compared to the rest of the population. Medicare entitlement is available whether one was paying for treatment or their spouses did. Medicaid, on the other hand, covers you if you are financially challenged probably because of low earnings.

As a lawful permanent resident of the United States, you can register for a health insurance at a subsidized cost. Other social benefits that come with a green card are retirement packages.

2. Employment Opportunities

A green card holder is entitled to benefit from many job opportunities including those that require a security clearance. You can secure a job almost in any company in the United States. In addition, it is difficult to secure high paying jobs without lawful permanent residence. You are limited to job opportunities and you have to stick to the low cadre jobs.

3. Participate in Politics

Probably you don’t want to be left behind during the electioneering period. Being a green card holder you can support a party of choice. Through that, you can air your grievances or those of your loved ones.

 Besides, you can assist the party with funds. However, it’s important to note that you are not eligible to vote.

4. Education

With education being a door for more opportunities, you may want to enroll in studies in the United States. Being a holder of a green card, you benefit from financial aids from the government to assist you in your tuition. Besides, as international students pay relatively more for tuition fees, you can get a subsidy. In fact, green card is popular among people seeking to pursue their studies in America.

5. Ownership

At one point you will need to legally own property, right? As a Lawful permanent resident, you have the legal authority to purchase a home in the United States. Besides, you can obtain a mortgage form the bank and enjoy rates with US citizens. You pay for your mortgage as you live in your house.

6. Start your own Company

Maybe you have spotted an opportunity that you want to venture into. With a green card, you can legally register a company and roll out your new brand. Besides, you can acquire a professional license that permits you to start businesses such as in real estate.

 As a permanent resident, you can access security clearance, thus you can export goods without restrictions. Besides, the government can support you through grants to run your business. As a green card holder, you will not have to close your business because you have run short of cash. A grant comes in handy especially when you need to expand your company.

7. Travel Restrictions

As a lawful permanent resident, it’s easy for you to move in and out of the United States. You don’t want to be denied entry back into the country once you jet out for some important issues. All that you need is a valid green card. Another benefit of a green card is that you can live in any state of your choice in the United States.

However, you should not exceed six months of your stay abroad. Staying away from the United States for long under your status could mean you have forsaken your residency. Take note of such to avoid risk of losing your status.

8. Status Protection

It’s good to live in a place where you know that you have a secure future. Having an American express green card assures you of permanent residency protection even if amendments to the laws are made.

9. Opportunity for your Family Members

Being a green card holder makes it possible for you to bring members of your family to the United States. It’s even possible for them to become permanent residents through you.Therefore, the opportunities goes beyond an individual green card holder.

10. Easy to become a US Citizen

Once you obtain your green card, you can wait for your fifth year and above to apply for US citizenship. With a citizenship status, you enjoy all benefits any other citizen enjoys in the country.

You will not be subject to losing your citizenship even if you move to a different country and live there for as long as you want. As a citizen, you are eligible to vote and even run for an elective office.

With all the benefits that come with being a green can holder, its time you consider making an application. You should check your eligibility and ensure that you submit all your details as required. American express green card has gained popularity since it’s a ticket through which you can enjoy full benefits a full citizen in the United States enjoys.

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