Newspaper Review 12th, March 2024


1. Daily Nation

The Menace That is Boda Boda Riders

There is an increasing concern over the blatant disregard of the law by boda boda riders across the country. Many are unlicensed, speed on the wrong lanes, disregard traffic rules, use pedestrian walkways, and carry excess passengers and heavy loads, as police officers ignore. Their uncouth behaviour contributes to a concerning pattern of injuries and fatalities on roads, leaving many shattered families in their carnage.

2. The Standard 

The Standard 12032024

The Case For Unlawful Vengeance

Netizens were shocked after a Twitter user confessed to seeking “justice” from his wife after she became unfaithful. In a bizarre rant on his social page, Evans Kosgei accused his wife of infidelity and threatened to take justice into his own hands. He went ahead and tagged relevant authorities and newsrooms in the online confession. It has now emerged that he followed through with his threats, maiming his wife and committing suicide in the process.

3. Taifa Leo 

Taifa Leo 12032024

A Call For Boda Boda Operation Regulation

The boda boda public transport sector needs an urgent overhaul. With over 70,000 accidents and 36,000 casualties succumbing to their injuries in the past ten years, rogue boda boda riders continue to exercise their rogue behaviour in plain sight of police officers manning traffic. It begs the question, what are lawmakers and enforcers waiting for before they act?

4. People Daily 

People Daily 12032024

Poor Traffic Rules By Boda Boda Riders Claim Many Lives

Nairobi records the highest number of fatalities from boda boda-related accidents. Lawlessness among boda boda operators, lack of safety gear, and poor enforcement of traffic rules top the list as causative factors behind the rising accident incidences.

5. The Star 

The Star 12032024

Ever Increasing Graft At County Level

Since 2013, nearly all counties have consistently fallen short of their revenue collection targets. Theft ranks as the primary cause behind the revenue collection struggles experienced by many counties.

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