Top 10 Performing Governors in Kenya


Kenya is a country that has seen significant changes in the political sphere over the last few years. The 2010 Kenyan constitution, which was developed following the country’s post-election violence in 2007/2008, provides significant power to regional governments. The new constitution states that governors serve for a term of five years. They are then allowed to vie for two terms or ten years, after which they must step down from office.

Many Kenyans are now looking for their governors to lead them through this change and help build a brighter future.

With so many options available, it can be challenging to identify the top-performing governors in Kenya. From a poll conducted by Infotrak in 2020 and electorates’ opinions, we have compiled the top ten performing governors in the country.

Top 10 Performing Governors in Kenya

Governor County Party
Wycliffe Oparanya Kakamega ODM
Salim Mvurya Kwale Jubilee
Kivutha Kibwana Makueni Muungano Development Movement Party
Anyang’ Nyong’o Kisumu ODM
Alfred Mutua Machakos Maendeleo Chap Chap
John Lonyangapuo West Pokot KANU
Jackson Mandago Uasin Gishu Jubilee
Muthomi Njuki Tharaka-Nithi Jubilee
Josphat Nanok Turkana ODM
Hillary Barchok Bomet Jubilee


1. Wycliffe Oparanya

Kakamega County Governor is the highest-ranked in the country. Oparanya has an 82.3% approval rating, according to Infotrak. He is also the highest-ranked governor in terms of development. He is a member of the Orange Democratic Party and has been in office since 2013.

Oparanya has set up an extensive network of roads and water pipelines across his county. His main areas of improvement include market trading facilities, business centres, churches, hospitals and recreational facilities. Wycliffe Oparanya is also the current chair of the Association of County Governors.

2. Salim Mvurya

Infotrak poll ranks Mvurya as the second-best performing governor in Kenya. He is the head of Kwale County, Coast Province. He is a member of the Jubilee Party and has been in office since 2013.

The Kwale Governor’s approval rating stands at 77.1%. He has won the battle against terrorism in Kwale by establishing security measures at coastal tourist spots. He is also working on implementing e-governance initiatives and improving the county’s road network.

3. Kivutha Kibwana

The governor has brought about developments in Makueni County. He is the third-best performing governor in Kenya. Kibwana is a member of the Wiper Democratic Party and has been in office since 2013.

In addition to ensuring peace, security and development in the county, Kibwana has made health facilities within the county available for the people. He is also working to make the county’s economy sustainable by growing horticulture, food crops and livestock farming.

4. Anyang’ Nyong’o

Anyang’ Nyong’o, Kisumu County, is ranked as the fourth-best performing governor in Kenya. He is a member of the Orange Democratic Party. Nyong’o was elected as governor in 2013.

Nyong’o’s approval rating is 65.9%. He has worked on implementing e-governance initiatives and improving the county’s road network. He also focuses on improving water and sanitation conditions in Kisumu and the surrounding areas. Making health facilities available for his county’s residents is also a priority.

5. Alfred Mutua

Mutua has indicated that he wants to vie for the top seat in Kenya. The Machakos County governor founded his political party, Maendeleo Chap Chap, which gave him a name.

Mutua has secured funding for infrastructure development projects, such as water and sanitation facilities. He has also started programmes on health, education and food security. His efforts have led to an increase in the number of businesses operating in his county.

6. John Lonyangapuo

West Pokot County is no longer the same with Lonyangapuo as the governor. He has brought about significant development in the county, which brings in more tourist attractions.

Lonyangapuo’s approval rating is 64.2%. He has established ties with investors who are willing to invest in his county. He is also working on creating employment opportunities for the youth in West Pokot through vocational training.

7. Jackson Mandago

Uasin Gishu County is one of the agricultural regions in Kenya. Mandago appears in the list of top-performing governors due to his investment in agriculture. Mandago is a member of the Jubilee Party and became a governor in 2013.

His approval rating stands at 63.5%. He is one of the top-performing governors in Kenya. He has initiated various projects to improve the agricultural sector. One of these projects is the maize campaign, which aims at improving crop yield.

8. Muthomi Njuki

Tharaka-Nithi County, which Njuki currently heads, has been free from violence for a long time. The county has also stabilized in sustaining its food requirements.

Njuki’s approval rating is 62.6%. He is a member of the Jubilee Party and became a governor in 2013.

The county’s investment focuses on education, water and sanitation, roads and security. The county has also initiated various projects to improve the education system in the region. Implementing measures that reduce violence is

9. Josphat Nanok

Nanok has been a significant force in pushing for development in his county over the years.

He ensures peace and security in his county, which is one of the factors that boost tourism. Nanok has improved water and sanitation conditions in his county, Turkana County. He has also initiated a public-private partnership in building a hospital in his county.

His approval rating is 62.5%. Nanok is a member of the ODM Party and was elected as governor in 2013.

10. Hillary Barchok

Bomet County has moved strides in the right direction since Barchok took over after Joyce Laboso’s death. His county is among the counties assessed as unstable in Kenya before he came into office. Barchok has worked on improving security in his county.

Barchok’s approval rating is 60.6%. Bomet County’s significant developments are the establishment of schools and hospitals.

He has also improved on the county’s road network.

There are a lot of things to consider when ranking our leaders. But we’ve done some research and compiled a list of the top 10 governors based on electorates’ opinions within Kenya and polling data collected by Infotrak in 2020.

How has your governor performed? Let us know in the comments!

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