The Best 10 Free Financial Tracking Apps


If you want to master financial freedom, financial tracking should not be an option but a must. Many people have lost jobs and businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has reduced their income. But financial tracking apps come in handy in managing your money.

For this reason, you should track your expenses to remain within your budget. This will help to avoid impulse buying. You also avoid unnecessary expenses as well.

There are different free financial tracking apps which can help you to manage expenses, budget and save. All you need is a smartphone and you are good to go.

The Top 10 Financial Tracking Software

Financial tracking appPrimary features
AndroMoneyMultiple accounts
Budgeting functions
Support for account balances and transfers
MintUpcoming bill payment reminder
Multi-factor authentication
Real-time credit score
WallyTaking an image of your receipts instead of entering them manually
SpendeeCharts and graphs to show expenditure against income
PocketGuardMonthly expense tracking
My FinancesMultiple account management
Future expenses plan
Clarity moneySubscription and spending tracking
WalletSupport for multiple currencies
Account sharing
Money LoverTrack your cash on hand and in bank accounts
FudgetSimple lists of income and expenditure items
Simpler than other financial tracking apps

1. AndroMoney (Expense Track)

This personal expense tracker app is free and allows you to manage your money better. It allows daily accounting of all the expenses. You can make detailed reports using the software. The financial tracking platform allows you to open multiple accounts once.

AndroMoney is simple and easy to use for people who have never used other financial tracking apps. The software gives an overview summary of expenses and income.

2. Mint: Budget, Bills, & Finance Tracker

This is one of the best personal finance android app. You can connect all your bank and credit card accounts, as well as your monthly bills. Mint alerts you on pending bills, what you have and what you can afford depending on the cash you have in your account.

The personal finance tracking app enables you to have your financial record at one convenient place. It also provides you with tips on how to save depending on your finances.

3. Wally

The basic plan of the app is totally free. The app allows taking of your receipt photos. You don’t have to spend time keying in numbers manually. Wally promises no ads making it easier to use.

This personal budget software allows one to have organized tracking records on how you have spent your income. This in turn allows you to have proper insight on where your money is going and make proper decisions on your finances.

4. Spendee- Budget and Expense Tracker & Planner

Spendee is the best free budget app that tracks your spending and helps you to save money. The charts and graphs in the app allow you to analyze, organize, and plan your finances well.

This particular financial tracking software assists in the tracking of expenses and income automatically through bank sync or manually. Through spendee, you can invite others to manage family and household budget.

5. PocketGuard- Personal Finance, Money & Budget

As the name suggests, this app guards your spending. It is one of the leading savings tracker apps. PocketGuard helps you to lower your expenses, track your spending, and do an appropriate monthly budget. The software alerts you on your balance after deducting your expenses and proposes savings targets for you.

The savings tracker app has the capacity to monitor unauthorized and unwanted charges such as scams, fraud, and billing errors. It can automatically come up with a personalized budget depending on your income, expense and goals.

6. My Finances

My finances is one of the free daily expenses tracking app which helps you to manage multiple accounts and even plan for tomorrow. Using this application, you can view the history of your actions which makes it possible to track any errors.

The app stands tall when it comes to past expenses to help you make future decisions.

7. Clarity Money – Manage Your Budget

It is one of the best budget app for iPhone. It analyzes your personal finances automatically.  The financial tracking app gives you the chance to make hassle-free financial decisions over your money.

Clarity Money is compatible with thousands of financial institutions which makes it easier to track your expenses and income automatically. It also helps you to track your debts and investment accounts automatically at the same place. A good software if you want to manage online loans apps and be debt-free.

8. Wallet- Money, Budget, Finance & Expense Tracker

This budget app seeks to help you bring your financial status under control. The Wallet enables you to connect your actual bank with all your transactions.

 The budget software has an account sharing feature so that you can share with your loved ones. The app also supports shopping lists, multiple currencies, cloud syncing, warranty tracking and it can export to a variety of file types.

9. Money Lover: Money Manager, Budget Expense Tracker

Money Lover is one of the most reliable daily expenses tracking apps. It allows you to track cash at hand and in your bank accounts. Like the other financial tracking software, it helps you to check your expenses, income and savings at a glance.

The app enhances the security of your transactions by enabling you to set a fingerprint or a PIN code on your phone. It also contains a built-in calculator to make your calculations easier and accurate.

10. Fudget: Budget and expense tracking app

To use this financial tracking app, you don’t need a finance management degree because it is made simple for use. The platform requires you to create simple listings of your income and expenditure. The balance will be shown at the bottom.

This personal expense tracker app enables one to make a clear decision on how much to save and invest for the future. Fudget gives you the opportunity to control your money to the fullest.

Financial tracking apps are worth considering during this season. These free budget apps offer you a foundation to stable financial status no matter the level of income. Financial stability gives you peace of mind and in turn the ability to plan for the future. Make financial tracking a lifestyle for a better tomorrow.

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