Top 10 Most Popular Social Media Sites in Kenya


If you keep track of social media news in Kenya, you know that a lot has happened in this field. Following a study carried out by United States International University– Africa in conjunction with the US embassy, Kenya forms the most significant number of social media consumers in Africa.

In the study, social media users use the platform to communicate with their friends and families and keep themselves abreast of the current happenings. 

In Kenya, social media statistics indicate 8.2 million social media users. The figure is likely to skyrocket with time. An increase in the number of social media users has led to high demand for cheap smartphones.

Popular Social Media Platforms in Kenya

Social Media Platform Number of Users (Estimate) Renowned For
Facebook 7,000,000 Networking
Social interaction
Twitter 1,700,000 Trends updates
Instagram 3,000,000 Brand influence
Image and video networking
LinkedIn 2,300,000 Professional engagement
Corporate recruitment
Snapchat 500,000 Video and image exchange
WhatsApp 15,000,000 Messaging
Telegram No data News update
Following specific topics
YouTube 1,000,000 Informational videos
Skype No data Messaging
Video calls
WeChat No data Messaging
List of the Biggest Social Media Sites in Kenya

1. Facebook

Facebook remains a popular social site not only in Kenya but also across the globe. It gives you a perfect opportunity to have a broad audience. The process of signing up for an account is simple.

Most businesses in Kenya have turned to Facebook to launch a formidable online marketing strategy. Today, Facebook boasts 7 million users in Kenya.

 There is always a high probability that everyone who owns a smartphone is a Facebook user. Facebook Company continues to add more features to ensure a top-notch user experience. Kenyan media houses use the Facebook live feature during prime-time news. Therefore, users don’t have to switch on their televisions.

2. Twitter

Coming second is Twitter. Twitter is a platform that was launched in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey. The platform keeps you alert of everything happening in your location. In 2022, Elon Musk bought the platform and brought several changes.

Twitter has a unique feature that helps you to get the trending topics based on your location. Today, every month, Kenya records an average of one million users.

 This is an exclusive platform where individuals and businesses can market their products, generating more revenues. Online marketing strategy through Twitter has become much easier through the introduction of Twitter ads in 2014. You only need to plan your budget and your target audience.

3. Instagram

Instagram is another popular social media tool in Kenya. The platform allows you to share memorable photos with your friends and families. By December 2018, there were approximately 1.8 million Instagram users in Kenya.

 From the statistics, most Instagram users were men accounting for 56% of the total users in Kenya. Most users are between the ages of 18 to 24 years. This is a perfect platform to advertise your products to consumers within this age bracket.

4. LinkedIn

By August 2019, there were 2 213 000 Kenyans on LinkedIn. This accounted for 4.1% of the entire population. Most users are within the 25 to 34 age bracket. This is a perfect platform for employers to tap new employees with exceptional skills.

If you seek to network with members of your profession, this is a perfect platform for you. If you are looking for a job, don’t hesitate to open a LinkedIn account. The process is easy and quick. Do not forget to list your educational background, work experience, and skills.

5. Snapchat

Snapchat is another popular social media site in Kenya.  It is widely used by people between the ages of 21 to 25. If you seek to take advantage of this platform to advertise your business, it is vital to understand everything about the platform. Currently, there are more ladies on Snapchat than men.

The total number of people who access Snapchat advertisements currently stands at 307.5 thousand. Most of these advertisements are seen by female users. According to Kenya’s 2019 social media quarterly growth report, Snapchat recorded the highest quarterly change in advertising audience. Therefore, it is a platform we expect to see an increase in popularity in the coming years.

6. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app in Kenya. At least 49% of Kenyan mobile users are on WhatsApp. This is a cheap platform that enables you to communicate with your friends who are on WhatsApp.

When using this platform, you send and receive text messages, photos, videos, and music.

Also, if you are having a wedding or other social event, you can create a WhatsApp group. This feature saves you time, as one message is enough to reach at least 256 group members. WhatsApp is widely used by Kenyans between the ages of 26 and 35.

7. Telegram

Telegram is another messaging platform that is quite synonymous with Kenyans. It works like WhatsApp but lacks the advanced features present on WhatsApp.

Telegram has a feature called telegram API. It is an incredible feature used by several organizations, such as KPLC, to auto interact with clients. Like WhatsApp, you can send photos, videos, audio, and documents. It is a platform that is widely used by the younger generation, especially students.

8. YouTube

YouTube is a platform that helps content creators in Kenya make money. YouTubers create YouTube channels where they upload videos that resonate with their specific niche. In Kenya, content marketing is one of the popular modes of marketing.

The citizen TV channel has the highest number of subscribers, followed by KTN news. Most Kenyans access YouTube to watch trending topics, music, and documentaries.

9. Skype

Skype is a telecommunication tool that helps you with video and voice calling. The platform was launched in 2003 by Niklas Zennström from Sweden, and Janus Friis, from Denmark. It is a useful platform when companies and organizations seek to initiate video conferencing.

 Kenyans use the platform to communicate with each through voice and video calling. Also, most companies use Skype when conducting online interviews. The process of opening a Skype account is simple.

10. Wechat

Wechat is a Chinese multipurpose telecommunication app encompassing messaging, social media, and mobile payment platforms. It was initially released on March 2011.  The platform is mostly used by business people buying Chinese goods.

Safaricom, which is a popular service provider in Kenya, linked Mpesa with the Wechat platform. This made it possible to make payments from the comfort of your phone.

Final Thoughts

With time, we expect the number of internet users in Kenya will continue to rise. Hence in the coming years, we predict an entry of new social media platforms. Also, the social media platforms we have discussed will see an increase in new users.

If you are a business person, it is time to tap into this opportunity and generate more revenues for your business. If you are a digital marketing enthusiast, the social media jobs in Kenya are endless. Social media in Kenya is headed to greatness.

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